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*The contents of NetUtilResponses are broken up and passed to methods in ObjectHandler factory. This feels like a bad idea. Two maxims support my feelings here, the [[Reduce_the_number_of_arguments|reduce the number of arguments]] maxim and the [[Encapsulation_boundary|encapsulation boundary]] maxim. Basically by splitting up the attributes of the class into primitives I have to pass more arguments and secondly I am breaking the Objects encapsulation boundary.
*The contents of NetUtilResponses are broken up and passed to methods in ObjectHandler factory. This feels like a bad idea. Two maxims support my feelings here, the [[Reduce_the_number_of_arguments|reduce the number of arguments]] maxim and the [[Encapsulation_boundary|encapsulation boundary]] maxim. Basically by splitting up the attributes of the class into primitives I have to pass more arguments and secondly I am breaking the Objects encapsulation boundary.
==A New Design==
To address these problems a slightly updated design was produced.
*PageRebuilders no longer contain other ObjectHandlers. The only class to request ObjectHandlers is NetUtils. This is a slightly cleaner approach.
*The ObjectHandlerFactory::getHandler and ObjectHandler::goodProcessor methods now take a full NetUtilResponse object and can make more intelligent decisions. We also avoid breaking the encapsulation.
*NetUtilResponse now contains the content type reported in the HTTP header.
*To deal with the possibility of infinite recursion ObjectHandlers must override the canRecurse method stating if they can recurse. ObjectHandlerFactory now allows it's clients to specify whether to ignore ObjectHandlers which can recurse.

Revision as of 05:01, 2 October 2009



My design study is on a C# application built for the 400 level secure software course. The application scans websites in a brute force manner trying to find common URL components. When a page or object is found it is saved. If the object is an HTML file then it is scanned and dependencies are downloaded onto the local file system. The HTML page is then transformed to link to these local entities.

The main problem is how to dynamically allocate object handlers. These handlers will preform actions on the content that is downloaded.



  • Instead of producing a large mess of highly coupled code (as is so common in security tools) to produce a tool that I can update to add new behaviour with minimal effort.
  • Make sure I have a good grasp of UML modelling, something which previously has leaked out of my brain like a very thin custard through a well worn sock.
  • To force some good practices into my head by implementing them.


There are some language specific constructs that must be remembered.

  • readonly modifier - from the MSDN library "The readonly keyword is a modifier that you can use on fields. When a field declaration includes a readonly modifier, assignments to the fields introduced by the declaration can only occur as part of the declaration or in a constructor in the same class."
  • protected variables are implemented in a sane manner! [1]. This allows me to emulate a object based architecture such as those in ruby or smalltalk, without having to use ruby or smalltalk.

UML Overview


This was a poor solution for example the job of creating an ObjectHandler took 30 lines of fiddly code. So the structure was updated.



To implement this several patterns are used:

  • Singleton - This pattern is in the ConnectionPool class. The Connection pool handles a global tally of connections to insure that we do not in inadvertently DoS a website. The ObjectHandlerFactory is also a Singleton because the initialization only need be a once off affair.
  • Facade - The NetUtils class is a facade that simplifies the process of dealing with HTTP connections.
  • Strategy - The ObjectHandler and all it's subclasses act as a Strategy for dealing with files that are discovered.

Major Classes


This class contains static methods that are common across several classes. These methods are a façade abstracting the System.IO and System.Net libraries to an interface that is specific to HTTP get operations.


This class is nothing if not a data class. It is created and returned from the NetUtils class. It contains the URL that was accessed, the local path it was saved to, a HTTP status string, and a bool that indicates success or failure.


The brute form contains all the code involved in the parsing of attack strings. The NetUtils class is used to retrieve objects once the URL is determined. Additional processing is preformed by ObjectHandlers which are created dynamically based on the type of file that has been discovered.


This class is a hangover from the default C# template program.


The connection pool is a singleton class that maintains the a list of all active connections. The class simply holds a HashMap of strings. When a URL is requested from the ConnectionPool it first trims the URL down to the target domain. This string is then tested against HashMap. If the map does not contain the string it is entered. If it does then the value is checked against the ConnectionPool's maxConnetions member. The method returns true if a connection is allowed and false if it is not.


ObjectHandlers as the name implies handle downloaded objects. The may process them in any way they wish. All object handlers must override the goodProcessor method and implement the startProcessing method. goodProcessor is a static method that returns true if the processor wishes to handle the data object it was passed. This class is abstract to conform to the no concrete base classes maxim and the stable abstractions principle.


The page rebuilder uses the HtmlAgilityPack framework to parse out the sources of images referenced by the page in question. These images are then saved using NetUtils::SaveFile. The HTML structure is then updated to load these images from the local system.


The image handler is a proof of concept class to show that the ObjectHandler system is extensible. This class takes an image and produces a thumbnail 300pixels wide that is placed side by side with its source.


This class is a singleton class. The object handler factory dynamically creates a ObjectHandler that is best suited to the content it is passed. This is accomplished by using Reflection to find all subclasses of ObjectHandler. Each of these subclasses is then passed the local address and source URL of the file that needs to be processed. This is accomplished with the ObjectHandler::goodProcessor method. If a subclass of ObjectHandler believes it can Handle the content it will return true. The first class to return true is then instantiated and returned to the caller who requested the creation of a handler. Thus the ObjectHandlerFactory completely handles all the reflection tasks required to dynamically and correctly build and initialise ObjectHandlers.


  • The is no clear model view separation. The classes MainForm and BrtueForm have components that make up the graphical user interface the forms also hold part of the model. This is poor practice because the Model can not exist without the view. In order to decouple these sections would mean creating two more classes (main and bruteforcer) and making the forms listen to them. This however is somewhat overcomplicated due to threading issues. For this reason the simple but less extensible option was chosen.
  • While for the most part the design follows the encapsulate field principle. The NetHandlerResponse class completely exposes all of its members. These however are protected using the C# readonly keyword. This means that members can only be set in the object constructor thus we are not exposing our mutable attributes. We do however lose the ability to deny access to the data.
  • There is duplication of behaviour, both the PageRebuilder and the BruteForm download items then request handlers to be created for these items. Maybe this behaviour should be encapsulated inside the NetUtils class. This introduces the possibility of infinite recursion attempting to mirror the entire internet.
  • The contents of NetUtilResponses are broken up and passed to methods in ObjectHandler factory. This feels like a bad idea. Two maxims support my feelings here, the reduce the number of arguments maxim and the encapsulation boundary maxim. Basically by splitting up the attributes of the class into primitives I have to pass more arguments and secondly I am breaking the Objects encapsulation boundary.

A New Design

To address these problems a slightly updated design was produced.



  • PageRebuilders no longer contain other ObjectHandlers. The only class to request ObjectHandlers is NetUtils. This is a slightly cleaner approach.
  • The ObjectHandlerFactory::getHandler and ObjectHandler::goodProcessor methods now take a full NetUtilResponse object and can make more intelligent decisions. We also avoid breaking the encapsulation.
  • NetUtilResponse now contains the content type reported in the HTTP header.
  • To deal with the possibility of infinite recursion ObjectHandlers must override the canRecurse method stating if they can recurse. ObjectHandlerFactory now allows it's clients to specify whether to ignore ObjectHandlers which can recurse.