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Welcome to Object Orientated Design and the COSC427 wiki. This page will assume a basic knowledge of programming and computer science. On this page, we will not discuss the price of cheese, but hopefully you should gain a stronger understanding of object orientated design - have a read of each of the links presented.


What is OO Programming & OO Design?

Object Orientated Programming is presently the most widely used software development paradigm in the world. In this methodology, sections of code are comprised into separate sections known as classes. At runtime, objects are created as instances of that class. The prevalent school of thought suggests that, as OO designers, our job is to model the real world. This means that the objects that are creating have boundaries that reflect what we would expect of similar objects in the real world. The term "Separation of concerns" is used to describe this idea.

What are the underlying concepts in OO programming?

What are the most important ideas in OO design?

Coupling Abstraction

What ideas/maxims are good to follow?

Maxims, Riel's heuristics

How do we follow these ideas?

Design patterns

Extra for Experts!

If you want further information, there are whole range of further material available. The best place to start looking is the Resources page which provides information about known texts on the subject area and important papers and websites on the field.

For further areas of interest, Antipatterns provide an important recent area of research.